Friday, June 28, 2013

Pinkey Nails - Irish Heart and Dark Skys + an important announcement!

Hey Peeps! How goes it? I am actually doing quite well myself :) I've totally neglected my blog lately, but I had good reason! Soon what is now Polished Dreams and Life Things will be changed to The Devil Wears Polish. My logo is UBER cute too, it's a tat hubs drew of me several years ago. Although I am the first to admit, those boobs & that ass did not come from me....Regardless, he captured my essence very well, right down to my tattoo addiction of recent years. It had to be tweeked, more clothing added, boobs made a tad smaller, etc to make it appropriate for a nail polish label. But, here's the final outcome. I wanted my brand label and name to reflect my own personality, so I hope you all like it!
 I'll switch over to clear stickers rather than printing out my own lame-ass white labels soon if all goes well. I apparently need to tweek the hell out of my printer too. Anywho, stay tuned for updates on my polish launch, giveaways, and stuff like that. You can like Polished Dreams and Life Things on Facebook here for some awesome sneak peeks & such. Now enough rambling about myself. Onward with the review!

The first Pinkey Nails creation is Irish Heart, a gorgeous green holo. Sara was kind enough to send Irish Heart to me in hopes of acquiring some sweet holo shots. I do not intend to disappoint.

My bottle shot leaves a bit to be desired, but my swatches rock ass. Check it out yo....

Let me start by saying, DAMN! Miss Sara, you would definitely please the polish gods with this little creation, if there were polish gods that is. Shimmery green holo, me likey. The formula of Irish Heart is friggin' awesome. Great coverage, 2 thin coats is plenty and dry time was good. Now I shall flash you a closeup. You're welcome.
Only now do I see the blue stain on the side of my finger. I put my damn watermark over it, which makes it that much more noticeable to my judgmental eyes. That really pisses off the obsessive-compulsive side of me. It's still a pretty bangin' closeup of said Irish Heart. Now allow me to rape your eyeballs with a mediocre outdoors shot. *Please note - the photo is cruddy because clouds are bullshit. Regardless, I did TRY to find some sunlight...
I swear every time I swatch a holo it clouds up! WTF?!? Even with all the cloudy overcast junk, that photo still captures the badassery that is Irish Heart, right? *Props to Julie aka Wishes of a Blue Eyed Girl, I totally stole your word chick! I'll probably be using it a lot as a colorful descriptive like shit-tastic from now on. Yeah, I stole that one too. Next up we have some Dark Skys, by Pinkey Nails...
This one is as hard to describe as it is to photograph. I guess it's like a muted, dusty mauve, leaning towards grey or silver? It's super shimmery, I know that. It's chock full of holo micro glitters and some other kind of micro glitter too. Have a look-see at mah swatch...
It's pretty. I didn't bother trying to get sunlight photos. When I swatched this those stupid garbage people that moved in behind me were all piled outside smoking pot and being the disgusting drains on society that they are. I will be moving a bit father south just as soon as my lease is up. Since that tornado took out half of Moore & far south OKC it's a tad bit difficult to find anything around here, so wish me luck! But that's enough bouncing off subject. Here's a closeup of Dark Skys...
My opinion, Dark Skys is prettier in person. I have a horrible time capturing shimmers, just trust me on that. The formula of Dark Skys is just as awesome as Irish Heart. No issues at all with application. And, she's another 2 coater. Sweet. So now I will go over both Pinkey Nails pretties I've reviewed for you today...Irish Heart is definitely my favorite, but I'm diggin the hell outta Dark Skys too. Sara has done a wonderful job creating both of them, and I look forward to seeing what she comes up with next! Check out Pinkey Nails on Etsy by clicking here. Stay up to date on new releases, giveaways and more by liking Pinkey Nails on Facebook here. Now it's your turn! Which swatch is your fave? Do you own any Pinkey Nails creations yet? Have any lemmings? Leave me some comment love so I don't feel like I'm talking to myself. And...don't forget my giveaway ends on Monday. You can share each day for extra entries! Until next time folks, I'm out!


  1. I mentioned it on FB, but I love your labels...totally cute! I can't even imagine how excited you must be right now. I hope all goes well--and I am sure it will considering all the awesome sneak peeks you're giving us!

    1. I hope so! I'm so excited, but so nervous too lol :)

  2. So excited for all these cool changes for you and I hope everything goes swimmingly for you too! I like the labels - they're so cute!!!

    1. Thanks Melissa! I'm super stoked, and a nervous wreck at the same time lol.
